"A ONE is required to unite the mankind." -Guru-
Through Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru, the founder Acharya of Santhigiri Ashram in Pothencode, Kerala; numerous great gospels which has evolved independently and circumstantially, has spread in the world. As per their athmaseshi, the believers are evaluating it in different viewpoints and are grasping it. Since it will be appropriate to exchange with each other such understandings, I am presenting a Guruvani through Samvedakan’s Discussion Forum.
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Or is it that they are projecting as separate monism’s.
That is what is denoted as ONE.
Believe that in Sathigiri Ashrama parambara there are disciples who possess spiritual experiences and extra sensory insights. It is through them that we should be able to understand what in reality is that ONE which will unite the mankind and how will it materialize in mankind. Not only that but also Guru’s practicality in accordance to the ideology is of prime importance. Let us await with prayers for such clear insights.
Time proves everything.
The dharmas of the Universe along with its creation are inscribed in the cosmos by the Creator. Then is there any need to speak about human dharmas specially?
The Acharyas who are the Mantra Drashtas (Seers of Thoughts) are grasping this through the path of Njana (Knowledge). Such comprehensible collections of these understandings are the timely evolutions from the Manusmrithi till the Quran. And that is being continued as well. Not only that those broader ideologies in its wider aspects did not enter into human mind, but also in later times it did emaciate and turned into different segments inside the moulds of parochial minds. Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru had to proclaim to this world about the necessity of a ONE which is more competent (Seshi), after grasping this truth.We should now be adopting a much more efficient ONE to establish the real ideology of HUMAN BEING.
Did this parambara, already understood their Guru ideologically and comprehensively?
The importance lies in timely grasping and implementing, the appropriate practical sides for spreading the ideology worldwide, from Guru through the medium of visions.Here, the relevance of the question or what they have attained isn’t the subject.
There are three major aspects of Guruthvam; i.e. spirituality, ideology and practicality. Only when these aspects are properly grasped, understanding Guru gets completed. This is what is explained by Sri Chidambaram. Only those who have understood like this absolutely can transferred that properly to the mankind. Only when it is transferred like this, that ONE will unite mankind.‘avajananthi maam mudha manushim tanumashritha
param bhava janantho mama bhuma maheswaram.’
(bhagavat gita 9:11)Unwise people disparage me who have taken a human physical body. They do not comprehend the transcendental form in me – this is what Sri Krishna Paramathma is reminding.
The disciple who understands his Guru’s Supreme form will only be able to complete the mission. Arjuna could complete his karma when he realized who Sri Krishna Paramthma was. Here, one who has known that ONE, Guru, will only be able to let know.It is not possible to conceptualize the accurate meaning of Guruvani. The significance of it varies with time & place and material world & cosmic world.
How is it possible to bring together this mankind which comprise of unstable minds to atheistic intelligentsia?
Disparities and disagreements are in the rise among those people who possess more intellect, knowledge and ideological awareness. If people like them unite in a ONE then others will follow.
The earth will face problems in future which will put the entire mankind in crisis. Indications are already evident. And human intelligence will have no solution for that crisis. The solutions for that which are received from Almighty, will be given to this parambara time to time by Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru through the medium of visions. This parambara will provide those to the mankind in appropriate time.
That day the world will truly know Guru.This parambara has attained and preserved a knowledge from Guru about the most crucial incidents going to occur in this earth after three hundred years. The then generation will declare it before that incident occurs. Thus the then mankind will understand Guru's prophetical graciousness.
If the Creators Sankalpas could sculpture the entire Universe, then it wouldn't be an impossible one for the Divine Soul assigned by the Almighty to unite mankind of this earth which is just a particle of this Universe.It is a truth that scientific intelligence isn't adequate enough to provide a solution for these.
That Will Power which provides solutions to that crisis will definitely be that ONE which will unite mankind.
Reference - Gurusakhshyam (
It can be undoubtedly stated, that ‘ONE’ is an efficient soul (athmaseshi) who is able to spread into the mankind, the Divine Sankalpa that the entire mankind live affectionately as one community.
Because till today, it is through human souls that Divine Will has reached mankind. Even though for a lesser period, such gracious Acharyas were till today unable to execute the Divine Sankalpa of uniting the mankind. Also the Creator isn’t expecting that either through violence or by imposing. Though have prayed “loka samastha sukhino bhavanthu”, one must accept the truth that till date no Acharya put into practise the ideology of uniting the mankind.What is the reason for that?
That is a tedious, unimaginable massive task. That Guruvani is the glistening of that sankalpa which emerged in Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru. It will be through that Guru this will be coming into effect is my belief.Spreading Guru’s ideology of uniting mankind as per the Supreme Will is just not enough. It should be possible for that Paramabara to attain from their Guru, the Athmasehi to thus unite mankind.
That is neither limited to one human birth nor is it vested on any disciple. That massive responsibility is to be relayed continuously from one Dharmasabha to another and through them it has to be transferred from one parambara to another. That Sishya parambara should evolve as the embodiment of values such as ideology, sankalpa, prayer, karma, sacrifice, tolerance, unity, love, kindness which outpoured from that Mahathma for the completion of the Divine Sankalpa.That cosmic and powerful Karmaseshi which is present in the atmosphere of this solar system, will have to first lead that parambara and then the mankind towards uniformity.
For its accomplishment, prayers and sankalpa has to be devoted on to Guru and completed. For this purpose, that ONE has to be adopted in the heart as Karmasakshi (witness of karma), is what Guru has indicated.
I dedicate that on to the Creator.
That ONE is 'the sturdy belief'.
How many such disciples currently exist who completely trust that their Guru’s Ideologies, Will and Sankalpas will be established in the mankind? How can a person who himself disbelieve, make some else believe in that. How can a person function in entirety without believing?How many such believers are there in this parambara, who atleast pray in five yamas every day that Guru’s sankalpas should be established in mankind? Those who are aware of Guru’s sankalpas, even if they do not have a big efficiency of spreading those worldwide, should have the heartfelt prayer for that to materialize.
- Vivekananda Sahithya Sarvam:3 -
Greeting to the Compiler Sri Rishikesh. Thanks for quoting this highly meaning wordings of Swami Vivekananda.
I accomplished, I invented, I build, I spoke and inscribed, I did the sankalpa and fructified – the whole universe in these egoistic hallucinations. Pride is in the forefront of the human world. The elevated status of my soul, my eminent power, such pride need to shunned and realize that we all are merely Guru’s instruments. “We should be able to reach the constant humble feel that I was able to accomplish that due to Almighty’s mercy.” This words of Sri Karunakara Guru is what has attracted me the most. Similarly Guru’s life was the collection of crores of such humbly completed karmas. Finally that Soul attained completion. It is perfection / completion which is that ONE.First that Guru’s sankalpas and our thoughts should become equal. Guru’s biggest practicality was ideological consensus. What comes in forefront for us is our power of comprehension whether all these are doable. That should change. Only he who blindly believe in Guru and Guru’s words without letting ones intellect pollute it will only be able to put this is into practice.
The parambara has already realized that Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru is one such Excessive Soul. It is now for the world to know about that. Through the eminent personalities in the parambara, the ideologies being provided by Guru has to be transferred into the mankind. All the disciples of Guru should turn out to be gracious. Guru is the Radiant Image who is the provider of the ideology.
That ONE is definitely the ideology which has flown from that Acharya.
A century before the concept of mankind was an unreachable and impossible imagination. Today mankind is available in finger tips. Today it is possible to spread an ideology into the mankind within minutes. The massive alterations happening to time has become favourable for spreading ideologies.Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru.
Guru is God. The viewable God. When the time came, that Soul returned and merged into the Almighty. (We are getting to experience that Cosmic image as Nava Oli. Such is the visional experience.)That Gururoopam, Guru’s ideologies and Gurumaargam became the path of eternal liberation (Athma mochanam) to us. That Radiant Image till the end of Kalpa will lead mankind towards that Supreme Truth. It is that Truth which is Guru, it is through that Radiant Image, the Creator will unite this mankind.
Reference - Gurusakhshyam (
If the entire human minds are to find unity in that ONE, then that One should have a universal, perennial and a wholly acceptable image - this is a truth.
The uniformity of Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru parambara is the Radiant Image of Guru which thousands of people are receiving in visions. That Single Image.Here the speciality of Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru’s parambara is that thousands of people have recognized Guru via the medium of visions. It is further that even after Thy physical presence has seized to exist, through the path of visions, knowledge / commands from Guru is being received.
That Gururoopam should be instilled for worship in all such places where it is possible to preserve cleanliness. Through experiences later on, it will become worshipful to the world.
Reference - Gurusakhshyam (
Guru has implanted such sankalpas in the atmosphere of this solar system. Nevertheless we should be able to pray and attain them.
That ONE is the sense of duty.
I happen to meet those who conducted that and authentically enquired who that Athmanjani was. I learned through them that it was Brahma Sri Karunakara Guru, the founder Acharya of Santhigiri Ashram. Whoever wants to inquire about this incident can get in touch with those astrologers or even with the office bearers of Sri Dharma Sastha Samskarika Sangam. They possess in their hands, the Rasi Chakra of that public Devaprasna which was scripted by those astrologers.
Hence it is my experience that through astrological science such Athmanjanis can be distinguished.Since that Athmanjani was not interested in declaring His name publicly, it wasn’t announced in that dais. Even I personally inquired the office bearers and came to know if it. Sri Ajay Kumar’s declaration is correct.
It is such an efficient Soul which is that ONE. I am someone who have dedicated my soul onto such a Guru. It is only through such a Soul that the Creator will be able to unite the mankind.
Guruparambara has adopted that Radiant Image as ‘that ONE’, dedicated their faith of the souls in that, and is finding concentration on it.
Reference - Gurusakhshyam (
This parambara, even today can perform Pithrusudhi through Guru’s Athmaprakasha (Soul’s Radiance).Understand that Guru’s Will was to unite the mankind. That cannot be limited to Karmaseshi of one life span. Without altering even a word in Acharya’s sayings, we should proceed by safeguarding Acharya’s will and sankalpa. It should turn out to be role models to the upcoming generations. The inability to attain that was the drawback of the parambaras till date, is what Guru has pointed out to us. That strong parambara which Guru envisaged should be able to live upto that expectation.
I am a member of Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru parambara. Evaluating your ideological sense and affection towards Guru with all esteem.
Guru’s ideologies, Will and Sankalpas in its entirety will start to materialize in the world only through the efficient people who take birth in the third generation of this parambara which has completed the Pithrusudhi. Today to complete those, there are limitations to efficiencies of our souls. Let us live today by preserving our Dharma and by submitting strong prayers and sankalpas for the coming generations to attain that.Sathguruve Saranam.
There were lot of timely changes to the world with the passage of time. At the same there wasn’t any means to receive the practicalities required for those changes from the preceded Acharyas through vision. It is quite natural that an ideology lacking practicality becomes time barred.
In this Guru parambara at all ages there is only ONE Guru. From that Guru’s Athmaroopam it will be possible to attain the timely practicalities through visions. This is the foundation of the trust of the disciples that this Karma will be made possible through their own Guru.As per the information from the Almighty, after the third generation post Pithrusudhi, Rishi apparent Athmaseshi will happen in this parambara who are above seventh stage (Avastha). Through them Guru will function.
Jaleel all these Rasools are one and the same. Almighty, Allah, Creator etc. are all one and the same. This repetition will keep on continuing till the time humanity exists. Every Rasool will integrate into that ONE.
Are you only submitting your soul (Athmasamarpanam) in front of your own Guru?
Are you exhibiting unselfish performances without being blindfolded by your own fame?If so, then you can reach out to mankind through that ONE.
It is for uniting in a ONE at least now, that Navajyothi Sri Karunakara Guru has informed to adopt a ONE for that.
Even to Sathyathrana who has attained perfection, it has happened due to pride.
Santhigiri Ashram is functioning towards fulfilling the aim without the differences of caste, religion, class, race, place and languages. It is from here that the segmentation between the people who have come forward for a single ideology should change and then become one.
If the majority of the human world has to array beneath the same umbrella, there should first exist a common problem and then a solution through that ONE. Till the end that ONE should also be a necessity. This is human nature.
Such is human nature.
All these souls are gathering into that Ultimate Soul, that ONE. Guru is reminding that we should be possessing the knowledge about that ONE.
How many such great souls are yet to come in this Guruparambara which is refined through Pithrusudhi. Even if such noble ones who have completed all stages of the soul takes birth in this parambara, the distinctiveness which is Guru will only be worshipped.
Isn’t this against the ideology?